Latest News
- What Does Your Future You Look Like?At DurhamWorks, we’re here to help you shape that future. Whether you’re finishing school or considering a career change, we’ve got tools and support to guide you every step of the way.
- Durham Works Programmes for SchoolsDurham Works Programmes for Schools supports young people in Year 11 to plan and move into sustained post 16 education, employment, or training;… Read more: Durham Works Programmes for Schools
- DurhamWorks Safeguarding HubEveryone at DurhamWorks cares about the safety and wellbeing of the young people we support. The newly launched DurhamWorks Safeguarding Hub provides information… Read more: DurhamWorks Safeguarding Hub
Featured Courses
Developing Bricklaying Skills
Developing Bricklaying Skills
Springboard LEAP Programme
LEAP Programme
About DurhamWorks
DurhamWorks is an inclusive programme aiming to find jobs for young people in County Durham and to remove any barriers preventing you from progressing into employment. We offer help creating a CV, searching for jobs and applying for jobs. We can also help you prepare for a job interview.
We can help fund childcare, clothing or transport costs associated with your new role and help you budget for these costs.
We also have funding for employers to create employment opportunities for young people.